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Lin Xiaoying
  Time: 2016-09-05   Author:   clicks:
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
  Associate Professor
Courses Taught:
   Graduate English; Appreciation of the Cultures of English Speaking Countries
Research Interests:
Professional Experience:

1996---- present

Teaching in the department of College English

Educational Background:

July 1984    Fujian Normal University Fujian China

               BA Majored in English

Research paper:

1.        Adaptation and Strategies of Insincere Promises ; Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences); 2010(1)-112-115

2.       Prof. Leech’s View on Pragmatics & Stylistics; Foreign Languages and Their Teaching; 2009(1)-17-21

3.       Linguistic Mechanisms of Politeness, Power and Deceit; Journal of Changchun Normal University (Humanities and Social Science); 2009(5)-69-73

4.       Felicity Conditions are Not the Decisive Rules that Govern Successful Speech Acts in Human Communication; Journal of Jimei University(Philosophy and Social Sciences);2005(2)-71-75

Appreciation of the Specific Character of Scarlett and Rhett from Pragmatic Perspective; Journal of Huaqiao University (Philosophy and Social Sciences); 2006(1)-110-116
Research Projects:

Tel. +86-592-2182476
No. 422, Siming South Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China. 361005
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